Thursday, April 28, 2016

Research Blog #10: Final Abstract and Bibliography


This essay analyzes the traditional college student’s lack of self-regulation. It compares traditional students (ages 18 to 22) with non-traditional students (ages 23 and older), in the means of their self-regulation and way of thinking through case studies, proving that younger college students lack the elaboration and self-regulation as displayed in the 9 subscales of the MSLQ. Tests are explained to show how self-regulation can be manipulated and have positive effects on an individual, especially in their writing - as displayed in the Feltham and Sharen study, with the average students’ writing grade increasing by 13 points. Alternatives and new means of learning, primarily in writing, for those who lack the concept of self-regulation are explained as well. Curriculums focused on the knowledge of text organization to guide, plan, and self-evaluate, as well as new writing mediums - such as online blogs (i.e. Blogger) - prove to be a greater influence and motivator for traditional college students in writing. It is proven that through interaction and involvement of students in their writing, their interest and motivation are strengthened, therefore bettering their work.


Baggetun, Rune, and Barbara Wasson. "Self-Regulated Learning And Open Writing." European Journal Of Education41.3-4 (2006): 453-472. ERIC. Web. 23 Apr. 2016.
"College Drinking." National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Dec. 2015. PDF. 23 Apr. 2016.
Feltham, Mark, and Colleen Sharen. "What Do You Mean I Wrote A C Paper?" Writing, Revision, And Self- Regulation." Collected Essays On Learning And Teaching 8.(2015): 111-138. ERIC. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.
Jacobson, Rebecca R., and Sandra M. Harris. "Does the type of campus influence self-regulated learning as measured by the Motivated Strategies For Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ)?" Education 128.3 (2008): 412+. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 23 Apr. 2016.
Kitchakarn, Orachorn. "Using Blogs To Improve Students' Summary Writing Abilities." Turkish Online Journal Of Distance Education 13.4 (2012): 209-219. ERIC. Web. 23 Apr. 2016.
MacArthur, Charles A., Zoi A. Philippakos, and Melissa Ianetta. "Self-Regulated Strategy Instruction In College Developmental Writing." Journal Of Educational Psychology 107.3 (2015): 855-867. ERIC. Web. 5 Apr. 2016.
Mih, Codruta, and Viorel Mih. "Components Of Self-Regulated Learning; Implications For School Performance." Acta Didactica Napocensia 3.1 (2010): 39-48. ERIC. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.
Miller, Dionne. "Two-Year Community: Learning How Students Learn: An Exploration of Self-Regulation Strategies in a Two-Year College General Chemistry Class." Journal of College Science Teaching J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 044.03 (2015): 11-16. Web.
Mischel, Walter. The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-control. Little, Brown. Print.
Pintrich, Paul R. "A Conceptual Framework for Assessing Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning in College Students." Educational Psychology Review 16.4 (2004): 385-407. Web.
Wanjohi, Racheal N., Robert B. Mwebi, and Naftal M. Nyang'ara. "Self-Regulation Of Facebook Usage And Academic Performance Of Students In Kenyan Universities." Journal Of Education And Practice 6.14 (2015): 109-113.ERIC. Web. 23 Apr. 2016.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Literature Review Blog #5


Citation: Mih, Codruta, and Viorel Mih. "Components Of Self-Regulated Learning; Implications For School Performance." Acta Didactica Napocensia 3.1 (2010): 39-48. ERIC. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

Summary: This article goes in to detail on self-regulated learning. It talks about how many psychological and other factors come into play with self-regulated learning; like, learning goals, personal self-efficacy, metacognition and testanxiety

Authors: Both authors are very qualified for this study because they are both very experienced researchers with background in psychological fields. They have many other studies which are very renowned and useful.

Key terms: 
1. metacognition - awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes.
2. self-regulated learning -  refers to learning that results from students' self-generated thoughts and behaviors that are oriented systematically toward the attainment of their goals

1. "Studies show that students with high self-efficacy benefit from high educational achievements. Consequently, they are more capable of self-regulation , prefer challenging tasks, invest more effort in solving tasks, persist more in solving difficult tasks, set higher goals, show low test-anxiety, and apply more effective learning strategies." pg 42
2. "When faced with challenging tasks they manifest diverse reactions: they draw back because of risk of failure, show negative affective reactions, attribute failure to lack of academic ability and demonstrate decreased interest for the task." pg 41
3. "More specifically, the study set off to identify the variables involved in the process of school learning, describing the relations between these, as well as the way each construct develops as school age advances." pg 39

Value: This article will help me explore my research question because I can use it as a comparison or contrast to many of my other sources using self-regulated learning. This article also brings a psychological aspect into my research which I could explore further.

Research Blog #9: Argument and Counter-Argument

My argument is that having more self-regulation will allow college students to better succeed academically, especially when it comes to writing. The other side of this argument is that self-regulation does not have such a big impact on students, which is supported by the Miller article in my sources. In this article, the results of their study found that self-regulation has no direct correlation to prediction accuracy in students. I find this counter-argument to be not so strong since it focuses on a different aspect (prediction accuracy) than most of my other texts. One comparison it does have with a few of my articles, like Pintrich's, is that it makes use of the MSLQ; a questionnaire used to evaluate self-regulation. I did find that the MSLQ is possibly outdated, so that raises a lot of questions regarding Miller's study and potentially even some of my other sources.

1. Miller, Dionne. "Two-Year Community: Learning How Students Learn: An Exploration of Self-Regulation Strategies in a Two-Year College General Chemistry Class." Journal of College Science Teaching J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 044.03 (2015): 11-16. Web.
2.Pintrich, Paul R. "A Conceptual Framework for Assessing Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning in College Students." Educational Psychology Review 16.4 (2004): 385-407. Web.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Research Blog #8: Case

My case regarding my topic of self-regulation will be about self-regulation in college students in writing classes. I chose this as my case because writing is one of the topics in college where most students have trouble due to all the distractions and difficulties that arise when actually trying to get to the writing. I have a few potential sources on this topic including "The Expos Five" (a documentary studying the journeys of 5 college students taking Expository Writing), "Making the Writing Process Work: Strategies for Composition and Self-regulation" (book), and "Self-Regulated Strategy Instruction in College Developmental Writing" (a scholarly article). This is a great case because writing is one of the most self-regulation intensive processes, not only in college, but also for authors and other writers.



