Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Research Blog #8: Case

My case regarding my topic of self-regulation will be about self-regulation in college students in writing classes. I chose this as my case because writing is one of the topics in college where most students have trouble due to all the distractions and difficulties that arise when actually trying to get to the writing. I have a few potential sources on this topic including "The Expos Five" (a documentary studying the journeys of 5 college students taking Expository Writing), "Making the Writing Process Work: Strategies for Composition and Self-regulation" (book), and "Self-Regulated Strategy Instruction in College Developmental Writing" (a scholarly article). This is a great case because writing is one of the most self-regulation intensive processes, not only in college, but also for authors and other writers.



2. https://books.google.com/books/about/Making_the_Writing_Process_Work.html?id=M_BJAAAAYAAJ

3. http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=1&sid=20d945ee-1b77-4df4-9188-c221c05d00b2%40sessionmgr110&hid=121&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=EJ1071555&db=eric

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